This article will help you know how to blur Zoom meeting background in various devices. …
How to Cancel Your YouTube TV Subscription in 2024
This article will guide you on how to quickly cancel your Youtube TV subscription. YouTube…
How to make specific contacts ring on silent iPhone (2024)
We generally find it difficult to concentrate on one thing at a time. This is…
How to fix Do Not Disturb Not Working on iPhone in 2024
Do Not Disturb is a feature that makes sure you don’t get interrupted while you’re…
Add a box-shadow to a Card-like Element – freeCodeCamp Solutions
The box-shadow property applies one or more shadows to an element. The box-shadow property takes values for offset-x (how far…
Create Visual Balance Using the text-align Property
Text is often a large part of web content. CSS has several options for how…
Payment Declined on Venmo? Here’s Why & What To Do
Have you ever tried to send money to a friend on Venmo, only to frustratingly…
Override Styles in Subsequent CSS – freeCodeCamp Solutions
Create an additional CSS class called blue-text that gives an element the color blue. Make sure it’s…
Use Attribute Selectors to Style Elements – freeCodeCamp
For this challenge, you will use the [attr=value] attribute selector to style the checkboxes in CatPhotoApp. This…
Set the id of an Element – freeCodeCamp Solutions
In addition to classes, each HTML element can also have an id attribute. Give your form element the id cat-photo-form….